Making compost tea is simple, and it gives plants a boost of nutrients. Compost tea is a rich brown liquid is extracted from compost to deliver nutrients and beneficial microbes directly to your ...
Can I plant directly into compost? Compost mixed with topsoil & water can do the magic, as it aids in moisture retention in sandy soil and good drainage in heavy solid soil. Therefore, planting ...
So happy to read your column in the Press of Atlantic City again. We have a huge 150-gallon composter in our backyard, where I deposit lots of vegetable and fruit peelings, eggshells, coffee grinds, ...
The Fishnure Organic Humus Compost is a typical example because it has an amount of organic matter with proprietary living fertilizer mix, straw, fish manure, and high nutrient clay. According to the ...
As long as you compost citrus with a nice mix of other food scraps and yard waste, your finished compost should have a relatively neutral pH and be perfectly safe for earthworms, beneficial ...