Catnip loves full sun and well-drained soil. Select a spot in your garden that gets a minimum of six hours of direct sun each day. If you're growing catnip in a pot, make sure it's positioned in a ...
Surprisingly, catnip, the herb that gives cats euphoric bliss, is the secret to getting rid of flea beetles from your garden. Catnip has long been linked to felines. This is not just because the ...
The name 'catnip' is derived from nepeta cataria, an herb closely related to mint. The plant, whether freshly grown or dried for commercial purposes, secretes a chemical compound called ...
Brew up a cup of chamomile, valerian or catnip tea. All of these herbs have a sedative effect that may soothe your stress and therefore your hives. To make the tea, stir one teaspoon of the dried herb ...