Share on Pinterest If you ... can be bought online or made at home, can help clear the air in your home. Christenson also recommends cutting out other sources of pollution — candles, smoking ...
Avoiding secondhand smoke can be simple enough when you are in the comfort of your own home, but how can you avoid it when traveling? You are exposed to secondhand smoke when you breathe in pollutants ...
Here’s the lowdown on how N95 and K95 face masks can protect you from the hazardous particles in smoky air and wildfire smoke. The N95 face mask offers the most protection against wildfire smoke.
The lungs are the centerpiece of our respiratory system, but particle pollution from smoke can irritate the organs, causing asthma attacks and even heart problems. "Sometimes, it may make you more ...
A little lettuce can go a long way ... get blurred Who we choose to trust can have a profound impact on our lives. Join thousands of devoted South Africans who look to News24 to bring them news they ...
We asked food safety and microbiology experts to weigh in. Now that the summer season is here, it’s prime salad-making time. But while prepping your greens, it’s tempting to skip over the step ...
Here are ways you can protect yourself, and your children, from the health impacts of wildfire smoke. There’s no agreed-upon rule of thumb for when you need to call a professional cleaner or ...
Wildfire smoke contains ... "If you cook, ventilate using a hood if you have one." During the first few months of cleanup, excess chemicals and particulates that are released can significantly ...
Your Kindle eBooks have the advantage of taking up no space—they don’t sit on a shelf, you don’t have to carry them around, and they last forever, even if your dog has a taste for paper. Even better, ...
While it isn’t necessary, lettuce can be washed with vinegar, says Edwards. “You can wash lettuce in a vinegar and water combination to help remove bacteria,” she says. Use one cup of white vinegar ...