Peace lilies - with their lush tropical foliage and pristine white petals - have become the go-to houseplant for gardeners everywhere thanks to their low maintenance levels. These beauties will ...
For optimal care, she recommends using filtered water instead of tap water, which often contains fluoride that can harm peace lilies. "In winter, bring the water to room temperature before ...
Peace lilies are tropical plants that produce beautiful white flower-like spathes during spring and autumn. While an abundance of white spathes may be on the plant when bought in the shop ...
They're also very visually appealing.' Andy agrees, 'Peace lilies thrive in humid environments, making them ideal for the home, and they can absorb mould spores, helping to prevent their spread.' If ...
Learning how to care for a Chinese money plant is remarkably easy – especially when you find the perfect spot and get the right amount of water. Officially known as Pilea peperomioides, this simple ...