The iconic Indian television series CID, featuring the legendary trio of ACP Pradyuman, Daya, and Abhijeet, is making a comeback after a six-year hiatus. The new season premieres on December 21st ...
CID Season 2 Release Date: ‘CID’ has been one of the most popular shows on Indian television and kept everyone hooked to the TV screens with its thrill and suspense. The show is all set to return with ...
Earlier, the makers released a promo featuring Abhijeet (Aditya) and Daya, once close friends, now bitter enemies. The trailer unveils a shocking scene in which Abhijeet shoots Daya, leaving ACP ...
The fans of CID 2 have now all the time and reasons to rejoice. Ever since the last few days, the makers of the show were only been teasing the audiences about the release date of the show.
The plan aims to provide a holistic approach to addressing the root causes of street disorder and open-air drug use in downtown Seattle and the Chinatown-International District (CID), while also ...
CID, starring the legendary cast Shivaji Satam as ACP Pradyuman, Dayanand Shetty as Daya and Aditya Srivastava as Abhijeet, gears up to make their explosive return. After keeping audiences hooked ...
After a long-awaited hiatus of six years, fans of the gripping crime drama, CID, can finally rejoice as a new season is set to return to our television screens. This cult classic, which first ...
The arrests, made by detectives from the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) Highlands on Saturday, highlight the growing popularity of Starlink’s service in Zimbabwe and the challenges of ...
Run back to the ship as fast as you can, dodging the additional monsters or weather phenomena that can get you outside, all while hearing your friends’ screams, please, and untimely demise.