(Hence the name that stuck—butterfly bush—rather than its Latin name, Buddleja davidii.) Given the right amount of sunlight, this perennial grows relatively easily and offers gorgeous blooms ...
Buddleia can benefit from a bit of extra care when temperatures drop – here's how to keep them protected, according to ...
Butterfly bushes need full sun to bloom profusely. Select a planting location that gets a minimum of six hours of direct sun ...
In the heart of London, the Museum's Wildlife Garden has recorded 23 species of butterfly and many more moths. Butterfly expert Luke Brown explains which flowers from around the world you can plant to ...
Provide the butterflies with warmth (a sunny spot), shelter (shrubs and trees) and nectar and butterflies will start to use your garden to feed and maybe even breed.
The African butterfly pea flower is a powerful ally in the fight against stress and anxiety. Its calming properties work ...