Despite its relatively short existence, the Umayyad Caliphate played a significant role in the spread of Islam through advances in art, architecture, and culture. At its height ... empire expanded ...
according to which the British Empire was an unequivocally evil institution whose lingering miasma still corrupts not only its former territories but also modern-day Britain. When Kipling lamented ...
The Truth about Empire is a collection of essays ... since sati ‘functions as a symbol of supposed British imperial benevolence’ for many modern commentators (p.94). Major points out, however, that ...
While they may define rule of law differently, both schools champion its importance both to the state and to the citizenry. I argue that, in the British Empire, the doctrine of the rule of law was ...
Stephen Fry has been knighted in the U.K.’s annual New Year Honors list, while Carey Mulligan and Sarah Lancashire have been named commanders of the British Empire. Each year, the reigning ...
From India’s original inhabitants, the Mauryans, to the British, who came as traders but stayed to reshape its history, this is a land that absorbed everyone, even those who tried to dominate it. From ...
A stunning and informative graphic from the National Post. Why are we doing this? How can we possibly afford it? Over to you, Bill Kauffman. This is a good place to commend to you my TAC colleague ...
She is a Christian queen, but there are more Hindus and Muslims than Christians in her Commonwealth. Most remarkably, this club, of which membership is voluntary, grew out of the British Empire. Its ...
The Middle Eastern country had been ruled by outside powers and dictators for centuries before its revolution was realized.
It was conquered and then eventually built a great Empire. Motives for migration to and from Britain - economics and commerce A range of factors drove migration to and from the British Isles.
What makes a great playlist? Pop music critic Lindsay Zoladz joins us to discuss. Post your comments and questions for her here by Jan. 16. By The Learning Network Animal medicine has become a ...