The movie stars Allu Arjun as Pushpa Raj, Rashmika Mandanna as Srivalli, Fahadh Faasil as SP Bhanwar Singh Shekawat, Jagadeep Prathap Bandari as Kesava, Sunil as Mangalam Srinu, Anasuya Bharadwaj ...
as well as to support the development of their careers through Sarajevo Film Festival’s CineLink Industry Training and Skills Program. The program’s budget for the first year is Euros 150,000.
When you have fibromyalgia (FMS) or chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS or ME/CFS), it's common for well-meaning people to say things like, "If you'd just exercise more, you'd feel better." Research points ...
Over the past five years, The Holiday Giving Boxes program has grown from a goal of 50 boxes in its first year to a whopping 435 in 2024. The program is a testament to organizations' hard work ...
It's thanks to an investment from a grant program entering its 20th year. The 'Jump Start' program is an annual grant opportunity given out by Downtown Eau Claire Incorporated — known as DECI.
The Women’s Health 4-Week Beginner Workout Plan takes the guesswork out of starting your fitness journey. This comprehensive program will ... a step or box, and a slam ball.
has been dominating the box office for the last ten days. On Saturday, the film experienced a remarkable 71 per cent jump in collections, earning Rs 62.3 crore. This surge came after Allu Arjun’s ...
Lerner’s idea was to have big breakfast-food companies include Silly Face Man (its original name) in cereal boxes as a giveaway toy. Back then, no kid would consider choosing a cereal that did ...