The movie adaptation of Tomi Adeyemi's debut YA novel, Children of Blood and Bone, is officially on the horizon. After being years in the making, it looks like the literary phenomenon is finally ...
Orthopedic doctors have a bone to pick with all the people who forget they’re carrying a very important skeleton around every day. We might not be able to see our ribs or tailbone or humerus ...
Common types include abdominal X-rays for the digestive system, bone X-rays for fractures, chest X-rays for lung problems, dental X-rays for teeth, head X-rays for skull issues and spine X-rays for ...
World Radiography Day is observed worldwide on November 8 every year. This day marks the anniversary of the discovery of X-rays in 1895. Each year, World Radiography Day is associated with a specific ...
The Jamaica Association of Public Dental Surgeons and the Jamaica Dental Association have sought to address the recent concerns raised by the Hazardous Substances Regulatory Authority regarding the ...
Figure 5. Thirteen-year-old boy with biopsy proven Ewing's sarcoma in left pelvis, underwent CT guided biopsy of suspected bony metastasis to right acetabulum. (A) Plain radiograph demonstrates ...
February 2023 saw major earthquakes in Pazarcık and Elbistan, causing significant devastation in Turkey. Patients were transferred to hospitals in neighboring provinces, with multiple ...