“Berserk,” a dark fantasy manga series by Kentaro Miura, has resumed after an abrupt hiatus following the death of the author last year. The latest episode was published in the 13th issue of ...
Manga artist Koji Mori has total recall when it comes to honoring his late friend’s vision for the grand finale of the dark anime fantasy “Berserk.” But his mind is a blank whenever he tries ...
One Redditor noted the panel’s style echoed the pen strokes and shading style found in the late Kentaro Miura’s Berserk manga, and the artist commented that the mangaka was a major source of ...
In 2021, we witnessed the meteoric rise of NFT avatar projects and the trend has only increased in 2023. But what is a PFP NFT project? And, why are these cool PFP projects so popular? Basically, it ...
A plugin to launch applications from the panel. By default it is empty and displays a message "Drop application icons here". Applications need to be available in panel's main menu and can be included ...
Oricon has finally revealed the statistics for the best-selling manga in 2024, with Jujutsu Kaisen leading the charge. Gege Akutami's Jujutsu Kaisen surpassed One Piece to become the top-selling manga ...
After evaluating the durability, cost, efficiency and more for each solar panel brand, we have found Silfab to be the best solar panel manufacturer for most homeowners. Faith is a writer whose ...
Manga Toshokan Z" (Manga Library Z), a digital service for publishing rare out-of-print manga for free, announced on Tuesday that it is shutting down on November 26. According to the website and ...
This means that the manga is going on yet another break for two weeks, but there’s no explanation given this time around. This could also be a listing mistake as Shueisha suddenly updated the ...