Berserk is a dark and intense manga series by Kentaro Miura. Set in a world that resembles medieval Europe, it follows the story of Guts, a skilled swordsman, and Griffith, the leader of a mercena ...
‘Berserk‘ is unique not only for the dramatic action and multi-dimensional characters but also because of its bold themes, outstretching the restrictions within what is allowed in mainstream anime.
Since its first publication in 1990, ‘Berserk‘ has gained popularity ... bleakness that pervades the world Guts inhabits. Much toned down from the manga, the anime nevertheless captures ...
Berserk. The drop will feature two distinct T-shirt designs, with one starring the manga’s protagonist, Guts, while the other features his sworn nemesis, Femto. Coming in white, the Guts T-shirt ...
Manga artist Koji Mori has total recall ... underlining the depth of his shock. “Berserk,” which features the swordsman Guts battling monsters, proved to be a huge hit both in Japan and ...