“Berserk,” a dark fantasy manga series by Kentaro Miura ... The story centers around Guts, a swordsman who wields a gigantic sword larger than his own height to fight monsters.
It was announced that Crunchyroll is set to deliver an exclusive steelbook version of the original Berserk anime! The 2-disc Blu-ray steelbook will be titled Berserk – The Complete 1997 TV Series. The ...
Manga artist Koji Mori has total recall when it comes to honoring his late friend’s vision for the grand finale of the dark anime fantasy “Berserk.” But his mind is a blank whenever he tries ...
Later on November 1st, Redditor infinitemortis posted a humorous photoshop of the photograph, dramatically increasing the size of the sword. The edit (shown below) garnered over 3,500 upvotes in the ...
The Kushan Empire from Berserk was one of the most powerful armies in the world, despite suffering a crushing defeat from Griffith and his forces. However, at the height of their power within ...