Disney’s 1991 animated blockbuster Beauty and the Beast continued the studio’s renaissance, which began at the end of the 80s with The Little Mermaid. The adaptation of Jeanne-Marie Leprince ...
A book featuring concept artwork, character illustrations, interviews with the crew, and production of Beauty and the Beast. Beauty and the Beast: Lost in a Book January 31, 2017 Smart, bookish Belle, ...
Based on the beloved 1991 Disney animated feature and drawn from a late 18th century French fairytale, “Beauty and the Beast” is the story of Belle (Jenna Becker), a young woman who feels out ...
This year’s panto is Beauty and the Beast, an all-singing, all-dancing, and storytelling cinema experience bound to delight people of all ages. It makes a perfect family outing and a great way to ...
Audiences for big Broadway musicals in south central Colorado need not wait until their next trip to New York or Denver. Salida’s own A Church, 419 D Street, will be presenting Disney’s take on Beauty ...
This year’s CBeebies Christmas Panto Beauty and the Beast was recorded in September at the Festival Theatre, Edinburgh. As ever, the show features many of CBeebies' most popular actors and ...
Take a look at this sneak peek from the CBeebies Panto 2024 Beauty and the Beast, featuring Justin Fletcher as Pops, Rebecca Keatley as Macey and Nigel Clarke as Casey. When and where can I ...