Seeing visual signs on a female plant and knowing the time after pollination helps you ... Sativa strains come from equatorial regions with longer growing seasons so they have a longer flowering stage ...
Seed Supreme offers over 1,000 unique seed packs, featuring the best cannabis seeds, female weed seeds, and auto-flowering seeds, as well as medicinal pot seeds. The Afghan Kush X is the current ...
These easygoing white flowering shrubs can be grown in a range of soils and amounts of light—just avoid soggy, poorly draining patches. Pick a cultivar with flower buds that are hardy in your ...
Auto-flowering seeds transition from the vegetative to the flowering stage based on age ... However, it’s a good idea to start with a few extra seeds in case some do not germinate or if any plants ...
Based on observations of 110 durian plants, researchers have discovered that around 15 days of dry weather can trigger the flowering of durian plants. The flowering occurred around 50 days after ...