Specific products impacted by this recall include the following MadeGood products: Chocolate Chip Granola Bars, Mixed Berry Granola Bars, Strawberry Granola Bars, Cookies & Crème Granola Bars ...
If you've recently purchased any granola bars, then it's time to check your pantry. On December 9, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published a voluntary recall with Riverside Natural ...
Riverside Natural Foods Inc., which owns MadeGood, listed the following products in a recall announced Monday: Chocolate banana granola bars; chocolate chip granola bars; chocolate chip mini granola ...
coli spreads to 18 states, 1 sick in Ohio. What are the symptoms? Chocolate Drizzled Birthday Cake Granola Bars, 25.5 oz. (30 bars), 17 oz. (20 bars), 8.5 oz. (10 bars) and 4.2 oz. (5 bars ...
Thankfully no one has been injured but the FDA has made it clear to watch out for THESE products in the stores. In addition to these 8, the FDA also is warning people about the Halloween Chocolate ...