The debut arc, "The Rising Tide," will pit Aquaman against "an army of giant water-based kaiju monsters," further establishing the character's role in the core DC Universe and reminding readers ...
I may not be a mortician, Loyal Theorists, but I can declare that the DC Universe is DEAD. At least the iteration with Man of Steel, Batman vs Superman, Aquaman, and the rest of the Justice League. DC ...
When trying to watch the DC movies in chronological order, most people are talking about the interconnected universe of films ... Fury of the Gods.” “Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom,” the ...
Is that a sword made out of water? It sure looks like it, as DC releases a first look at the art for the return of Aquaman's upcoming new series. And that's not the only thing that's different ...
Shifting over to the Marvel Universe, there are some fun books here as well. The Marvel Encyclopedia has been discounted to $36 (was $45), and it has been updated with new entries for 2024. There are ...