No one wants to bring home a bunch of bugs when they buy a Christmas tree, but should you be concerned about aphids? Our ...
Aphids can run riot on a wide range of plants in the garden, whether you're growing vegetables or flowers. No one enjoys the ...
Use a blast of cold water when you see lots of aphids. That will disperse them and works really well. Get some praying mantis ...
Aphids are harmful to roses, and a wide range of other popular garden plants, for many reasons. First, aphids snack on the ...
They spread by producing crawling young which find new areas to colonise then produce young. In July winged forms fly off to infest other plants. Breeding stops in autumn when immature aphids seek ...
The National Christmas Tree Association says there are around 25 to 30 million real Christmas trees sold every year in the ...
As the aphid feeds, it uses molecules in its saliva to alter the growth of the plant it’s feeding on to serve its own purposes. Aphids are small insects that feed on the sap of plants. They can be ...
Designed to introduce students and research workers to insect herbivore-host dynamics, this book uses the interaction between aphids and trees as a model. Challenging the belief that population ...
The aptly named woolly aphids are fluffy white little things, and often look like blobs on your trees. They typically gather on older trees or those that have suffered stress from lack of food ...
By combining plants carefully, plants can help each other ... Garlic planted among roses will ward off aphids. Plant carrots and leeks together on the allotment or vegetable patch to protect ...