The SMART trial raised questions about balloon-expandable valves in small aortic annuli; these new data offer some answers.
or aortic insufficiency (AI)), and mitral valve defect (mitral stenosis (MS) or mitral insufficiency (MI)). SVAS was diagnosed by echocardiography or catheterisation as a localised or diffuse ...
It is also known that atherosclerotic RAS, if untreated, can progress to occlusion and renal atrophy can occur in the setting of severe stenotic disease without arterial occlusion. In several ...
Even if you know you aren't in poor health, there are always benefits to tracking your blood pressure. For starters, it can tell you about your overall cardiovascular health and help you monitor ...
You’re in prison. It’s not looking good. But thankfully, we’ve got the new Pressure codes for you to redeem to get a head-start on your journey to help Urbanshade. You’re not expected to return, but ...
The best pressure cookers are easy to use and quickly produce delicious food, whether they're classic stove-top pressure cookers or modern plug-in electrics. They work by sealing tightly and allowing ...
While MSLP charts are good for estimating wind direction and strength over mid and high latitudes, in the tropics pressure gradients are weak and often don't give a good indication of the prevailing ...
For this reason, tropical meteorologists usually replace isobars with streamline arrows which indicate wind and direction without directly relating to the pressure gradient. Shaded areas on weather ...
You will be able to get a quick price and instant permission to reuse the content in many different ways. The aortic valve, and its supporting ventricular structures, form the centrepiece of the heart ...
Iliac venous outflow obstruction has an important role in the expression of symptomatic chronic venous insufficiency. This anatomic obstruction is frequently overlooked, owing in part to ...