The Use of Animals in Medical Research, 2001 If those human subjects were normal and able to give free and informed consent to the experiment then this might not be morally objectionable.
When animals are used in a biomedical research activity that may result in more than mild or momentary pain or distress, humanity, federal regulations and common sense direct us to use the least ...
The small animals, whose scales are coveted for use in Chinese medicine, are now among the world’s most trafficked mammals. A Temminck’s ground pangolin named Tamuda searches for a meal of ...
African elephants chew the bark of the fever tree to help ease arthritis pain. How do scientists know that animals use certain plants/insects as medicine, instead of just as regular food? To find the ...
Researchers in the discipline of small animal internal medicine investigate canine internal medicine ... life threatening acute kidney injury in dogs. We also have started to use laser lithotripsy for ...
Why major in pre-veterinary medicine? If you want to contribute to a greater understanding of the complex relationship between the health of domestic animals, wild animals, humans and our shared ...