The vast and expansive Marvel Cinematic Universe franchise has recruited countless actors into its ranks. But the MCU isn't ...
Thanksgiving is in the rearview and Christmas is fast approaching. With that in mind, we're sharing our revised and updated ...
JewCE con in Manhattan, Arie Kaplan, who exposed the industry's Jewish roots, discusses the rise of overtly Jewish characters ...
Bring home the trouble Star Wars Jedi Master Wookie, Kelnacca as Hasbro debuts their newest The Black Series figure from the ...
It looks like Venom 3 might not be the last dance for Tom Hardy’s Marvel journey after all as Spider-Man: Beyond the ...
The three-hour-long Chapter 1 premiered at Cannes Film Festival to a mix of cheers and jeers, before hitting cinemas in June, ...
Now that we’ve made it through Thanksgiving, we are welcoming the colder winter months and all the exciting TV shows that ...
Simon and Schuster’s 50th anniversary reprint of “Origins of Marvel Comics” by Stan Lee is a must-read for all superhero fans ...
Two new Character Packs are up for pre-order for Marvel: Crisis Protocol. It’s Yondu and Nova plus Elsa and Man-Thing!
It's not often that an adult animated series becomes a must-watch, but here are the best 10 shows to check out from 2024 to ...
Spider-Man has captured the hearts and imaginations of countless people across multiple generations. Stan Lee and Steve Ditko ...