The Alien movie franchise has become iconic for its sci-fi-horror imagery – built around its official “mascot,” the Xenomorph. The black-skinned, eyeless, and serpentine-like creatures have inspired ...
Decades after surviving the Nostromo incident, Ellen Ripley is sent out to re-establish contact with a terraforming colony but finds herself battling the Alien Queen and her offspring.
But in which order do you rewatch the seven Alien movies released so far? (Yes, we're ignoring the two Alien vs Predator movies.) You could go for the simple release order strategy or, if you wanted ...
Recent successes in Alien and Predator franchises indicate it's the right time for a crossover. The Predator franchise was revived with 2022's Prey and has two upcoming sequels. The Alien ...
According to the Joelson’s website the teaser was filmed in Bangkok so it’s safe to say that this suit is one constructed by Weta for Alien: Earth, but whether or not they’re using a hero or stunt ...
Movies about aliens have long been a favorite for sci-fi fans, often blending action, adventure, thriller, or even horror to deliver an engaging and intense experience. Unlike the distinct ...