The Alien movie franchise has become iconic for its sci-fi-horror imagery – built around its official “mascot,” the Xenomorph. The black-skinned, eyeless, and serpentine-like creatures have inspired ...
Decades after surviving the Nostromo incident, Ellen Ripley is sent out to re-establish contact with a terraforming colony but finds herself battling the Alien Queen and her offspring.
Ready for the biggest year in cinema history? 2025 is shaping up to be a game-changer with blockbuster releases that’ll make even the most casual moviegoer excited. From James Gunn’s fresh take on ...
When one especially monstrous alien mutation dies in a slow, ghastly way, Ripley (and you) feel sorry for it -- rather more so than for the people. To stay in the loop on more movies like this, you ...
The Alien franchise is making its way to the silver ... and how no one in the earlier films was aware of their existence, is yet to be explained. Showrunner Hawley has implied much of its focus ...
Scientists Discover New Deep-Sea Predator, Name It 'Darkness'A team of scientists from the US and Chile has discovered a new species of predatory amphipod, Dulcibella camanchaca, in the Atacama ...