It doesn’t include proprietary software or permissions to access the Starlink network, rendering it inoperable within the ...
Belarus has announced the creation of its own Starlink satellite terminal, known as "Kulis." We explore whether these ...
Some online marketplaces were found to be selling items that could not be legally sold in the UK under safety laws ...
Waveshare has recently launched the Double Eye LCD module (also known as the 0.71inch DualEye LCD module), a high-tech alternative to googly eyes, with ...
Waveshare has recently launched the DualEye LCD module, a high-tech alternative to googly eyes, with two 0.71-inch round IPS ...
近日,据英国媒体援引Similar Web的数据显示,中国跨境电商平台速卖通(AliExpress)在今年黑色星期五的流量实现了惊人的同比增长,增幅高达140%。此前,速卖通已在海外双11期间表现出色,成功登顶英国购物App下载榜。
速卖通:今年黑色星期五流量同比增长140%,速卖通,黑色星期五,流量,黑五,英国 ...
12月9日消息,市场流量分析机构Similar Web数据显示,速卖通 AliExpress在今年的黑色星期五流量同比增长140%。此前速卖通凭借海外双11的爆发冲上英国购物App下载榜第一名。 据悉,手办、节庆用品、假发、汽车智能配件是今年双11和黑五期间英国消费者最喜爱的商品。中国品牌在英国也很火,泡泡玛特双11刚开卖就有数十个单品成交破万美金,此外小米、联想、一加等国产知名品牌都呈现高爆发。
市场流量分析机构Similar Web数据显示,速卖通 AliExpress在今年的黑色星期五流量同比增长140%,超越Temu、耐克及苹果网站,成为英国人最喜爱的黑五购物平台。与此同时,据零售研究机构RetailX的最新报告,速卖通已经和亚马逊、eBay一同跻身欧洲前三大电商平台。
Laptops with 10-inch displays mostly disappeared after the demise of the netbook, but they are back and could be compelling ...
Now, one curious shopper decided to put all three bargain sites to the test and ordered a range of products from Shein, Temu and AliExpress to see what would turn up - and she was left utterly ...
Nvidia Corporation's fiscal Q3 results highlighted its dominance in the AI sector, showcasing strong growth and solidifying its position as a top player. Despite not being an industry leader a few ...