Composites are increasingly replacing traditional metallic components in various industrial applications, such as aerospace structures (aircraft wings and fuselage, rocket fairings, satellite ...
Visit our programme catalogue for full details of the structure and unit content for our PhD in Advanced Composites. Applicants must hold/achieve a minimum 2:1 MEng or merit at master's level or ...
The Advanced Composite Materials and Textile Research Laboratory (ACMTRL) located on the University of Massachusetts Lowell campus offers your company a resource for research and testing. The ACMTRL ...
The Advanced Polymers and Composites Lab is an academic teaching space for the department of Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology's plastics and composites courses, as well as a ...
Materials that possess low-weight, high-temperature strength and stability in corrosive environments are required for many advanced applications. Among competing materials, ceramic matrix composites ...
Core modules • Composite engineering • Polymer technology • Process product optimisation • Research ... in addition the module aims to develop in-depth knowledge and advanced expertise in the use of ...
Dr. Zhang was recipient of the National Science Foundation Career Award in 2018 and is the author of several seminal, archival publications in the field of composites manufacturing science and ...
The Engineering Composites Research Centre is a multi-disciplinary research team based at Ulster University. The aim of the centre is to design, manufacture and study advanced textile composite ...
Most industrial composites use a resin system, a catalyst or curing agent, and fiber reinforcements that strengthen finished parts. Advanced composites use high-performance resin systems and ...
Advanced materials research at The University of Manchester has demonstrated a comprehensive picture of the evolution of damage in braided textile composites for the first time. This could lead the ...