With just a few weeks left in the year, the tech sector is shaping up to, once again, beat the S&P 500 (SNPINDEX: ^GSPC) ...
Texas-based Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company (HPE) is a global edge-to-cloud company that provides solutions allowing ...
Warsaw, Indiana-based Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc. (ZBH) designs, manufactures and markets effective and innovative solutions ...
Cloud-based software developer Salesforce intends to employ 2000 people in order to sell their range of upcoming workplace AI ...
US tech company Databricks is in the process of raising $10bn in funding. The funding round was led by venture capital firm ...
12 月 3 日,英特尔正式发布了全新的锐炫 B 系列显卡,包括锐炫 B580 和稍晚推出的锐炫 B570 显卡,各家 AIC 厂商也纷纷推出首发新品。没想到的是,铭瑄竟然高调进军了 i 卡市场,也推出了 2 款 B580 新品。