Renowned Pakistani actress Sana Javed and her husband, former cricketer Shoaib Malik, recently stole the spotlight at a glamorous fashion event in Doha, Qatar. The power couple walked the ramp for ...
Sana Javed & Shoaib Malik Ramp Walk in Doha. Sana Javed is a celebrated Pakistani TV and film actress who boasts a strong social media following of 9 million. She rose to fame through her hit ...
Alisha Parveen has exited the show. The actress will no longer play Rahi. The character will be replaced. Alisha played the role of Rahi, adopted daughter of Anupama and Anuj (Gaurav Khanna ...
He can be reached at [email protected] As a young journalist advocating for women’s rights, I often find myself inspired by the mystifying thoughts of the great poetess Parveen Shakir.