Some Manchester parents have raised concerns over the planned use of the sometimes controversial young adult novel “The Hate U Give” in an eighth-grade class next spring because of its profanity and ...
The Daily Pledge of Allegiance was recited by Ms. Barefield’s Kindergarten Class at North Bay Haven Elementary School!
In teaching, “fidelity” refers to closely following specific procedures for how to teach a lesson or respond to student ...
This journal utilises an Online Peer Review Service (OPRS) for submissions. By clicking "Continue" you will be taken to our partner site https://mc.manuscriptcentral ...
Prof Raj Shree Dhar “The most beautiful mathematical formula I have ever seen is a sum of series from infinity to infinity, ...
Growing up in New Jersey Chris Sperry had a learning disability that made him a terrible speller – which made school a hard ...
This program is applicable to medical students. Offers resources to educate medical students on radiology and provide medical educators with resources to build a radiology curriculum. You must be an ...
Spencer Durham can be reached at 765-454-8598, by email at [email protected] or on Twitter at @Durham_KT.