Five thought-provoking videos on 3D printing, featuring robotic applications, surgical applications, and more.
That’s the idea behind MobiPrint, a mobile 3D printing robot developed by Daniel Campos Zamora at the University of Washington. This innovative device autonomously navigates a room, printing ...
A robot may be the future of home building. On Friday morning, it was pouring the exterior walls of two Habitat for Humanity ...
D printers have become a go-to for cosplayers and DIYers, but there are actually some more mundane and incredibly useful ...
TINY robots thinner than a human hair could help fight cancer tumours, a study has found. Scientists have crafted special ...
InnoSwitch3-EP family of off-line CV/CC QR flyback switcher ICs now feature 900 V PowiGaN switches.
A group of researchers at the University of Washington has come up with MobiPrint, an autonomous printer designed to support accessibility.
NASA astronauts of the future could live inside space homes built by giant 3D-printing robots. These robots would be part of Project Olympus, which hopes to construct buildings on the Moon and ...