Xiaomi 14 Pro mobile was launched on 26th October 2023. The phone comes with a 120 Hz refresh rate 6.73-inch touchscreen display offering a resolution of 3200x1440 pixels.Xiaomi 14 Pro comes with 12GB ...
The iPhone 14 is the iPhone model that Apple will introduce in the fall of 2022. That’s still a good way off into the future, but the supply chain is already painting a picture of what to expect.
A cat cafe in Taguig City is closing after more than five years in business due to “high” maintenance costs. Tabby Town Cat Cafe announced on Monday, January 14, that it will be closing its doors next ...
Researchers used Arctic ice core records to reconstruct historic atmospheric lead pollution in Roman times and link exposure to cognitive declines. They explained that lead exposure is responsible ...
CARTERVILLE Ill. (WSIL) -- It was a cold afternoon. Temperatures are running roughly 10 degrees cooler than Sunday. The clear and cold conditions will continue overnight. After sunset ...
EVANSVILLE, Ind. (WFIE) -Clear skies on Monday as an early morning cold front scrubbed out any remaining clouds. Afternoon temps stayed in the mid 20s. Another cold front will sweep through ...
This comes as Trump continues to push for more control over the Arctic in a showdown with Russia and China. Trump has recently been arguing that the U.S. should purchase Greenland, an autonomous ...