This article was originally published by La Marea on 12 November 2024 and translated by John Collins. It is clear that Donald Trump's broad victory in the US elections will have – and already has, in ...
Nela Chestojanova (she/her/hers) is a member of St. Lawrence University's class of 2027, majoring in Biomedical Sciences and Psychology. A native Macedonian fortunate to have had educational ...
The result of the recent US elections provides further confirmation that what we are witnessing in much of the world is the consolidation of a 21st century form of fascist authoritarianism grounded in ...
Confluence is a project organized by a core team of Weave News and Talking Rivers editors and storytellers. It is a platform for all those who want to listen to the waters that flow by and through ...
Weave News is announcing a new fiscal sponsorship agreement with the Media Freedom Foundation (MFF), a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that supports independent media projects. “This partnership with ...
Haiti faces immense challenges, including political instability, gang violence, and barriers to healthcare, especially for expectant mothers. These issues are vividly portrayed in N'AP Boule, a short ...
Help us write the next chapter. Part of Weave News’ 5-year strategic plan is to open chapters on other school or college campuses to increase the impact of our organization and further diversify our ...
We envision a world where a vibrant grassroots journalism community promotes social justice, civic engagement, and media literacy by democratizing the work of journalism itself and by revealing the ...
Today the need for truly independent, grassroots media is greater than ever before. So is the need for projects that can help promote critical media literacy and greater public awareness of ...