Eika is one of the companies involved in a project to identify good gender equality practices, launched by the SPRI Group ...
Eika, the cooperative which emerged half a century ago in the wake of a process of reflection to provide industrial jobs for women in Vizcaya province's Lea-Artibai district, now has a workforce which ...
Arania is one of the companies involved in a project to identify good gender equality practices, launched by the SPRI Group. Vizcaya company Arania, a leading exponent in southern Europe of precision ...
Support the execution of a robust pipeline of customer projects for innovators developing groundbreaking in vivo and ex vivo cell and gene therapies. VIVEbiotech, a leading lentiviral vector Contract ...
Eremuak dituen 100.000 metro karratu baino gehiago urbanizatu eta zerbitzu-azpiegiturez hornituko dira, ekonomia-jarduerak ...
El Ayuntamiento de Santurtzi, junto a las sociedades públicas del Gobierno Vasco, Ura-Agencia Vasca del Agua, Ihobe y Sprilur ...
Javier Urgoiti, socio fundador de la ingeniería vizcaína, destaca el potencial de la industria vasca para traccionar este ...
Javier Urgoiti Bizkaiko ingeniaritza-enpresaren bazkide sortzaileak nabarmendu du Euskadiko industriak potentziala duela ...
Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Trantsizio Energetiko eta Jasangarritasun sailburuak, Mikel Jauregik, inauguratu du gaur BIC ...
Todo el talento emprendedor de Euskadi. Wake Up! comparte diariamente en Linkedin, una pequeña selección de noticias ...
El consejero el consejero de Industria, Transición Energética y Sostenibilidad del Gobierno Vasco, Mikel Jauregi ha ...
Nazioarteko Merkataritzaren Behatoki berriaren bitartez, BasqueTrade-k ziurgabetasun politikoak markatutako merkatu ...