The shift to a parallel architecture for NetEye installation and upgrades wasn’t just about improving performance – it was also about building a foundation for scalability, reliability, and innovation ...
Monitoring SAP systems has always been a major hurdle in every job I’ve held. SAP has its own monitoring tools, primarily ...
The Microsoft Remote Desktop Services (RDS) architecture is widely used to publish centralized Desktop and Windows Applications to users from remote sites. With RDS, only the software user interfaces ...
In this tutorial we will install and configure cAdvisor (Container Advisor) to collect performance data from a host machine and from each container running on it, and write then write that data into ...
Now we are going to create a new dashboard to visualize the disk usage of our docker host machine. Click on the title of the new Graph and select Edit. Now create the new metrics with the parameters ...
Imagine you’re working on a project that involves sensitive company information. How can you ensure that only the right people can see and edit this data? Jira has the answer! In today’s fast-paced ...
Imagine you’re working on a project that involves sensitive company information. How can you ensure that only the right people can see and edit this data? Jira has the answer! In today’s fast-paced ...
In a complex distributed RDS environment, it’s difficult to measure RDS performance: the end user typically notices responsiveness in a different way compared to measuring a single Windows Performance ...
Starting with the Windows Server 2003 R2 version, Microsoft introduced the Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS), a software component which provides users with single sign-on access to systems ...
In a previous article, we used NetEye and Elasticsearch to train a machine learning model able to classify documents about some collected radar signals, separating them into two categories (good vs ...
Data loss happens. Whether it’s accidental deletion, integration issues, or unexpected errors, a robust backup strategy can save the day. This guide walks you through restoring your Jira Cloud ...