Das Jahr 2024 geht zu Ende und wir blicken zurück auf prägende Ereignisse aus der Gemeinschaft. Manche sind überraschend, andere sind ermutigend und wiederum andere machen nachdenklich.
Shaping a sustainable future for Europe depends on collaborating in research. With its mission to address some of the grand challenges for research and society, Helmholtz is dedicated to European ...
Die auf Betreuung von Personen mit einer familiären Belastung für gynäkologische Tumorerkrankungen wie Brust-, Eierstock- und Gebärmutterkrebs spezialisierte Gynäkologin begann ihre wissenschaftliche ...
Our research plays a key role in identifying reliable answers that benefit society, science, and the economy. The Helmholtz Association’s six fields of research focus on the major societal challenges ...
Matter is the basic material of our existence. Stars and planets are made of it, as are humans and microbes. The Research Field Matter works closely with other Helmholtz fields as well as with ...
The Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin HZB focuses on two topics: On the one hand, researchers are investigating materials for energy conversion and storage, such as solar cells, batteries and catalytically ...
We work particularly intensively with our international partners in our Helmholtz International Labs. These research projects are dedicated to highly innovative and forward-looking research topics. We ...
We support young top researchers: Internationally outstanding postdocs are given the opportunity to establish their own research group at Helmholtz. Following a competitive selection process, up to ...
DNA-Proben untersuchen, dem Klimawandel auf den Zahn fühlen oder Fragestellungen aus der Raumfahrt nachgehen: In unseren Schülerlaboren wecken Experimente die Neugier von Kindern und Jugendlichen, die ...
How can we succeed in storing electricity in large quantities and in as small a space as possible in the long term? The Helmholtz Institute Münster (HI MS) is working on this key question of the ...
Shaping the world of tomorrow together: We offer our approximately 8,000 doctoral students an ideal environment for creative research. The Helmholtz Centers are excellently equipped and have excellent ...