The entertaining 2017 Hollywood film “Borg vs. McEnroe” about the personalities and events leading up to the epic 1980 Wimbledon duel between tennis greats Bjorn Borg and John McEnroe raises the ...
Small towns have produced some of the most epic high school football stories of all time. There’s something special about growing up in a small town. The traditions. The bonds. The community. And, if ...
Metrics have reset the bar for Cooperstown, and a few of those who fall short may surprise you. Remember when baseball was a simple game? Yeah, me, too. Then metrics reared its decimal point and ...
Basketball is the second-most popular sport in U.S. high schools. But only the best programs create pros. The NBA has become a global game. Still, the grassroots of basketball come at the youth level, ...
They were good football players. But were they all-time greats who deserve a place in the NFL Hall of Fame? The Pro Football Hall of Fame requires four to eight candidates to be inducted each year.
An MLB manager getting ejected is just as much a part of the job as filling out lineups. These skippers mastered the art of the old heave-ho. When it comes to ejections in baseball, absolutely no one ...
Expansion in the NBA is inevitable, and these cities are best equipped to host new franchises. In terms of popularity, only soccer and cricket have more worldwide fans than basketball. The game is a ...
Decibel levels, championships and our own ears have proven these to be the loudest college football stadiums of all time. There’s a good argument to be made that there is no sports fan, in any ...
It’s hard to believe a time existed when the Dodgers weren’t the talk of Los Angeles, but that was the case in 1981. The Los Angeles Rams had appeared in their first Super Bowl in 1979, and the Lakers ...
Baseball hats have come a long way since being made out of straw in the 1800s. Nowadays, everyone wears a baseball cap, just about anywhere in the world. Some rock them for style. Others do it for ...
The U.S. has over 2,800 public skate parks. These are the cream of the crop. Skateboarding started in the 1940s and is more popular than ever. There are over 11 million skateboarders in the United ...
Want to use the same tennis rackets as the pros? We've got the scoop on which ones the best players in the world use. The best tennis players in the world get rackets tailor-made to their ...