In the market for a three phase servo controller? A reader who’s working on a robotics project worth as much as a nice house recently wrote in to tell us about an imported driver that goes for ...
There’s nothing quite like a nice, simple hack. This serial servo controller uses a PIC12C671 and a pair of resistors. Leaving out the power supply, that’s the lowest part count I’ve ever seen.
The servo drive itself is a relatively intelligent device that interprets signal commands from a supervisory controller, and then interacts with the servomotor to create the desired operation with ...
Servo valves (or servo valves) provide closed loop flow or pressure response to an electrical or electronic control signal. They can be infinitely positioned to control the amount, pressure and ...
Servo drives provide electrical outputs to servo motors in closed-loop motion control systems that use positional feedback and corrective signals to optimize position, speed, and accuracy. They ...
Plastic recycling has become a cornerstone of sustainable development, with equipment efficiency being a key factor in ...
GigaDevice (Stock Code: 603986), a leading semiconductor supplier, announced today the official launch of its EtherCAT® ...