One of my favorite ways to enjoy salmon without the fuss is to turn it into patties. Like any fish cake, salmon patties are a mixture of fish, breadcrumbs, seasonings, and herbs, with a little egg ...
Form mixture into 8 Patties (approximately 1/3 cup) and coat lightly in remaining Breadcrumbs. Heat oil in a shallow frying pan and cook Salmon Patties for 2-3 minutes each side or until golden brown.
Place the salmon fillets on a large sheet of kitchen ... mixture from the fridge and carefully shape into four smooth patties. Coat each patty first in the flour, then the egg, then the breadcrumbs.
Crab cakes may be a bit more popular, but salmon cakes are another crispy and delicious fish patty that's easy to make at home. Great on a burger bun or crumbled into a taco, salad, or protein ...
These fish cakes get even more flavour with the addition of hot-smoked (also called wood-smoked) salmon, which has a very different taste from cured or cold-smoked versions. I like to mix in a ...
Put the salmon into a food processor with the egg ... Divide the fish cake mixture into eight equal-sized pieces and shape into patties. Spray a little oil into the pan and add four of the ...
Add salmon to pasta or rice dishes. Mince salmon to top salads. Make salmon patties or burgers. Substitute chicken salad for salmon salad. Fish and other seafood may contain low levels of mercury ...