Avenir Suisse’s English-language monthly newsletter aims to reunite people and institutions interested in obtaining regular valuable insights on Switzerland.
Wer kann schon den traditionellen Weihnachtsguetsli oder den Schokoladekugeln am Baum widerstehen? Die Weihnachtszeit bringt ...
In unserer Rangliste zu den wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Freiheiten der Kantone erobert Aargau den Sieg zurück.
La France se déchire sur fond de crise budgétaire. Les problèmes suisses font presque envie en comparaison. Clé du succès? Le frein à l’endettement, selon Michele Salvi. Il crée la confiance à long ...
Ihre vollständige Bewerbung (Motivationsschreiben, Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse sowie Diplome) richten Sie bitte als PDF-Datei an Fabienne Reiter, Chief Operating Officer: [email protected], +41 44 ...
NFE system . The Figure Since the introduction of the National Fiscal Equalisation system in 2008, the cantons of Central Switzerland have improved in this respect.
Emotional Discussion About Industrial Electricity: How Expensive Is Switzerland? Electricity prices for industry are high in this country. Nevertheless, state support would be the wrong approach.
Avenir Suisse stands for an open and progressive Switzerland. Our extensive Donor Group allows us to research independently and develop liberal reform policies that increase the prosperity of the ...
Library Since 2001 we have published over 2,000 analyses, publications, podcasts, and videos. You can find them all in our library.
The trade agreement between the EFTA and India may be a coup, but it lacks breadth and depth (Part 2).
Dr. Marco Salvi, Adjunct Fellow, is responsible for topics such as job-market, fiscal policy, gender equality and regional policy of the latin part of Switzerland. He studied economics and ...