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Delivering news and inspiration from nature’s frontline.
Aimable Twahirwa is an award-winning senior science reporter, investigative journalist and Editor based in Kigali, Rwanda. A journalist for 24 years, he has been covering various development related ...
Basten writes with fierce passion about marine and fisheries issues, but his beats also include human rights, wildlife conservation, public health and their intersections. He also facilitates ...
David Brown is a biologist and environmental educator. He has researched giraffe population genetics, and along with his colleagues discovered that many of the giraffe subspecies in the wild may be ...
Spoorthy Raman is a staff writer at Mongabay who loves to write about the amazing wildlife we share our planet with. Her foray into environmental journalism began with an Internship at Mongabay in ...
Megan is an ecologist, illustrator and environmental educator who loves to share the wonder of nature with young people and inspire future conservationists. Megan has been involved in Mongabay’s ...
Bobby has been an environmental journalist since completing her master’s degree in Geography. Before joining Mongabay she worked for the public radio program Living on Earth, serving as the managing ...
Shanna Hanbury is a journalist currently covering breaking news on climate and conservation. Over the last decade, she reported on Latin America with a focus on the Amazon rainforest for top ...
Suchibrata did her PhD in Chemistry from Tezpur University, India. After a short postdoc at IIT Bombay, she shifted from research to communication. She has hosted video interviews and podcasts, ...
Sonal has previously worked with a consultancy, non-profits and corporates gaining three different perspectives and experiences in the domain of environment which she brings to her role at Mongabay.
Dave helps manage fundraising and major gifts at Mongabay as part of the leadership team. His love of rainforests was spurred by an early childhood trip to Costa Rica and expanded further while living ...