ESL官方刚刚公布了本次ESL曼谷站的小组赛的分组,将本次的12个战队分成了2个小组,其中唯一的中国战队GAOZU被分到了b组,可以在这里进行查看和了解。 详细分组内容: A组:Falcons、Spirit、AVULUS、BOOM、NaVi、SR ...
在ESL One曼谷南美赛区的BC战队3-2战胜Heroic后,这个赛事的预选都已经结束了,所有参与到本次赛事的战队都已经决出了,正赛将会在12月9日正式开幕。
Vedanta ESL Steel Limited recently hosted two highly successful Mega Health Camps under its Project MACE healthcare initiative. These camps, held at Bokaro's Sector 6 and Alkusha village, were ...
Many graduates celebrated but voiced concerns that President-elect Trump's proposed immigration policies might make it harder ...
对于功率转换器,寄生参数最小的热回路PCB布局能够改善能效比,降低电压振铃,并减少电磁干扰 (EMI)。本文讨论如何通过最小化PCB的等效串联电阻 (ESR)和等效串联电感 (ESL)来优化热回路布局设计。本文研究并比较了影响因素,包括解耦电容位置、功率FET尺寸和位置以及过孔布置。通过实验验证了分析结果,并总结了最小化PCB ESR和ESL的有效方法。
Sheridan High School senior Makena Mowry has taken five years of Spanish and has volunteered her free seventh period in the ...
From veterans looking to stay relevant to rising stars out to prove themselves, here are five teams you should look out for ...