近期,人工智能领域传来了一则引人注目的消息,Perplexity AI正积极展开新一轮融资谈判,旨在筹集高达5亿美元的资金,并期望借此机会将公司估值推升至90亿美元的新高度。 回溯至今年早些时候,Perplexity ...
微软周三(7/24)宣布,已针对一小部分的Bing搜索用户提供AI生成结果,让Bing得以针对用户的查询量身打造动态式的回应。 该 ...
百亿补贴、千万豪礼放送,过去二十余年以来,无数厂商靠着“撒币”在波云诡谲的互联网江湖蹚出了一条路,“烧钱换市场”也已经被证明了是一个行之有效的策略。如今,即便强如微软也开始学习大洋彼岸友商的思路了,该公司最近推出了一项新活动,主题就是用户使用Edge ...
In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, Microsoft has introduced a significant challenger to Google Assistant with the launch of Bing Chat, an AI-powered chatbot integrated ...
The new Bing includes a chat feature that is powered by a next-generation version of OpenAI's large language model, which Microsoft claims is ‘more powerful than ChatGPT.’ This AI chatbot ...
10月28日,The Information报道称,Meta正在研发自己的“AI驱动搜索引擎”,以减少对谷歌和微软Bing搜索的依赖。Meta的搜索,将通过生成式AI对用户输入的关键词或者prompt进行摘要和总结。
Microsoft launches the updated Bing, with ChatGPT built-in. The technology is developed by OpenAI, the maker of ChatGPT. Microsoft unveiled these updates a day after Google unveiled Bard, its ...