不知道各位是否对购买Xbox Game Pass订阅持观望态度?小编盘点了6款最值得一玩的XGP游戏,无论是准备在假期订阅还是想犒劳自己,玩家都可以在不支付3A大作价格的情况下享受一些游戏最难忘的时刻! 《夺宝奇兵:古老之圈》 ...
This was the first year of a new Xbox era. The company now fully owns and operates both Activision/Blizzard/King and Bethesda ...
Right now, you can take advantage of an exceptional offer through StackSocial: a three-month subscription to Xbox Game Pass ...
近日,Xbox Game Pass作为微软Xbox业务的核心支撑,其重要性在主机市场面临挑战时愈发凸显。特别是在《使命召唤》系列加入Game ...
With the sheer size and the bounty of choice it offers, Game Pass can be a bit overwhelming to digest. But we’re here to help. Here are the 25 PC and Xbox Game Pass games that you should be ...
Speaking on a livestream covering last week's The Game Awards, Grubb made a comment about Xbox and its plans over the next ...
Sega is thinking of launching a subscription service, and with a recent removal of classic titles from digital stores, ...
Xbox finally delivered the strong games it needed this year, but its mixed messaging left Microsoft's vision for the future ...
Windows Central's Jez Corden revealed over a series of Twitter/X posts: “Xbox won’t have exclusives going forward. Everything ...
The future of Xbox might be a wider partnership with third party companies, as rumours circulate about Microsoft's plans at ...
Analysts predict that mobile integration will expand Xbox’s reach to new demographics, including casual gamers who prefer the convenience of mobile gaming. This expansion could significantly broaden ...
"We're thinking something - and discussing something - we cannot disclose right now," said Shuji Utsumi, Sega's president.