Ensure students know the expectations of an assignment(s) rubrics should be shared with students in advance Clearly justify grades for students Rubrics can be used to evaluate progress, as well as to ...
Create rubrics to establish specific criteria and performance expectations for assignments and discussions to make your grading expectations and criteria transparent and consistent. While rubrics ...
This page serves as a resource for faculty teaching in the core areas or developing a new course for the core. On this page, faculty can find: the current learning objectives for each core area ...
Norming (also called calibration) is the process in which a group of raters decide collectively how to use a rubric to evaluate student work in a consistent manner. Raters are usually faculty and ...
Rubrics are tools used when assessing and grading students’ work. Rubrics indicate the performance or achievement criteria across the major components in student work. The criteria used in a grading ...
These sample rubrics offer a method for department faculty to provide evaluations of job applicants and candidates after on-campus visits. They are intended to be templates that departments can modify ...