Sony actually has a similar service in the form of the PS Plus, but the difference is that there is also an Xbox Game Pass subscription service for PCs as well, so PC gamers can access the library.
鉴于该游戏在 Xbox 和 PC 平台的巨大成功,PlayStation 玩家一直期待着这款游戏能够登陆他们的主机平台。然而不幸的是,开发商目前没有将《潜行者 2》移植到 PS5 的计划。 在接受 Tech4Gamers 采访时,GSC Game World 的游戏总监 Ievgen Grygorovych 被问及:“鉴于《潜行者 2》此前的良好表现,许多 Xbox 和 PC ...