[Balint Seeber] just sent in a small yet timely project he’s been working on: a software radio source block for the Realtek RTL2832U. Now with a cheap USB TV tuner card, you can jump right into ...
[regveg] was looking for a way to receive signals outside the normal 64-1700MHz range his TV tuner software defined radio dongle can get. After finding a few $100+ upconverters on the Internet ...
Attaching to the antenna cable or the cable company's cable via a coaxial F connector, the tuner includes software to change the channel and render the video content on screen. The software may ...
Rolled out by Premier Tuning Group, Verstand tuning software lets techs tune AMG models anywhere in the world.
Verstand Tuning Premier Tuning Group's Verstand Tuning Software, Allows Mercedes AMG Tuners to Remotely Tune <a target=_blank href=ht ...