Batman: The Animated Interviews provides a full collection of material on the beloved show, revealing many secrets.
The "Beetlejuice" director considered Anniston's Michael Biehn for the role in the 1989 superhero film that changed ...
Actor Michael Biehn has revealed that he was almost Tim Burton's Batman rather than Michael Keaton who ultimately got the role.
New York Times bestselling author John Jackson Miller recently released a sequel to the Tim Burton 1989 Batman film in novel ... there may someday be a future beyond skulking the city’s rooftops ...
Tim Burton fans looking to own an original drawing by the film icon—including art from "The Nightmare Before Christmas"—now ...
I have taken a lot of solace in my characters,” the film-maker Tim Burton writes in Designing Worlds: “the feeling of ...
Michael Biehn (Terminator, Aliens) has revealed that he came very close to landing the role of Bruce Wayne in Tim Burton's ...