In 1999, the AAP and the U.S. Public Health Service suggested that vaccine manufacturers remove thimerosal preservatives from vaccines to minimize potential mercury toxicity to the developing brain.
Kennedy Jr. suggested that the COVID-19 virus was engineered to give Chinese and Ashkenazi Jewish people immunity.
Thimerosal, or sodium ethylmercurithiosalicylate, is a preservative used in low concentrations mainly in vaccines, cosmetics, ophthalmic and otolaryngolic medications, antitoxins, topical and ...
CDC director nominee Weldon, a vaccine-skeptic, has raised questions about the safety of measles, mumps, rubella and HPV ...
Kennedy Jr.'s nomination has been met with outrage from doctors, but it's not clear if he will disrupt immunization programs.
Their differing views could see the cabinet divided in an administration that has not yet made any firm remarks on whether it ...