lectures in stage design, stage management, and safe working practices in the theatre, and work on one Fountain School stage production in which you'll apply skills in a real theatre experience. THEA ...
A comprehensive curriculum is offered in scenery, costumes, lighting, and sound. The curriculum is designed to give students a general overview of all aspects of theatre production, as well as ...
All of their years of experience can be passed on to you in the collaborative work you will do with these master artists. Students of Scenic, Lighting, and Costume Design will have the opportunity to ...
With an introduction discussing the evolution of the director's role across the globe and bibliographic references guiding further reading, this volume will be an invaluable reference work for stage ...
Set designer ... stage directions. He and Flack did not have the answer before the latter programmed it. “But,” says Cousins, “we do have an understanding that one of the great qualities of ...