In the One Piece series, Thousand Sunny has been a loyal and iconic ship for the Straw Hat Pirates, representing their dreams and growth throughout their journey. However, as the crew faces the ...
It’s hard to imagine how far Luffy and the others would have come in their journey without the Thousand Sunny, and it’s not going to be long before that journey eventually brings them to an end.
Asus offers $30 off its ROG Strix Scope II 96 gaming keyboard, featuring tri-mode connectivity and hot-swappable mechanical switches. Hades 2 still isn't finished, and when its true ending gets ...
This article contains spoilers from One Piece's Final Saga. The Straw Hat Pirates got the Thousand Sunny using Adam Wood. The chances of the Straw Hats getting a new ship are close to 0.
Thankfully, Franky, who ended up becoming a new member of the Straw Hat Pirates, crafted a state-of-the-art ship for the crew, known as the Thousand Sunny. The Thousand Sunny is crafted using Adam ...