Fox Family Entertainment released a full-length trailer for its upcoming "Peanuts" movie, scheduled to hit theaters in November 2015. The clip features a dream sequence where Snoopy engages in a ...
On Friday, “The Peanuts Movie,” a feature-length film featuring Charlie Brown, Snoopy and the gang from Charles M. Schulz’s long-running strip, opens across America. That’s the latest ...
Charlie Brown, Snoopy, and the whole gang are back in a heartwarming story. A new girl with red hair moves in across the street, and Charlie Brown falls in love. Now he tries to impress the Little ...
In addition to Charlie Brown and Snoopy, the other main “Peanuts” are Linus, the sensitive boy who hugs his security blanket to get through the vicissitudes of daily life, and his older sister ...
At the Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada (RAMWC) in Winnipeg, a comic art exhibition celebrates the First World War fighter pilot alter ego of the Peanuts gang's beloved pup, Snoopy.