Peter Kostis breaks down the three important parts of the golf swing and explains an easy drill to nail down your hand action ...
For every keen golfer, finding the perfect swing is the holy grail. Golf swings come in all shapes and sizes, with players spending hours on the practice range in an attempt to find the perfect one.
You might not think your follow through is important. After all, the ball's already history. But if your follow through is right, you'll know you have a good swing. Visualise 'throwing' the club head ...
Basic #2: Ball back sends path right The golf club also moves around our body as we swing in a semi-circular fashion. The clubface and the club path point out to the right at first, then along the ...
Swing ID uses Apple Watch’s accelerometer and gyroscope – by detecting acceleration ... Jennifer’s husband loved the fitness statistics of the Apple watch great, but found the golf GPS ‘basic’ ...